22 December 2020

C1 Writing a book review

Dear students, 

After enjoying the book you´ve borrowed from the library of the class, write a book review. Have a look at the link below to help you.

Structure and useful phrases to write a book review

21 December 2020




3 December 2020

There´s Class Today


I´m happy to tell you that I´m feeling alright today so, see you in the afternoon. 

2 December 2020


Hi there!
I´m sorry to tell you that I cannot go to class this afternoon because I´m sick.
See you next week.

30 November 2020

Concurso de postales de Navidad

 Concurso de postales de Navidad

 Los diseños son libres (tamaño, formato, materiales….), pero deberán

incluir alguna inscripción en alemán, francés o inglés.

• Se entregarán en sobre cerrado, en el que se incluya la postal con una

inscripción en el idioma en el que esté matriculado el alumno y otro

sobre donde aparecerá su nombre, apellidos y curso e idioma. 

Se adjudicará un número a cada postal que se pondrá también el sobre con

los datos del alumno.

• En ningún caso debe aparecer el nombre del alumno en la propia postal.

• Habrá un período de exposición del día 1 al 15 de diciembre.

• Los alumnos podrán votar los días 16 y 17 de diciembre.

• El día 21 de diciembre se hará público el nombre del ganador.

• Todos los participantes podrán recuperar sus tarjetas si así lo desean.

• La fecha límite de entrega será el 15 de diciembre.

20 November 2020

La EOI con los más vulnerables






19 November 2020

C1 Reflexive pronouns


What´s the difference between these two sentences?

1. He was walking alone, talking to him. 
2. He was walking alone, talking to himself.

Discuss the different uses in exercise 1, page 13.

Exercise 2.

9 November 2020

A2, That´s English. Past Simple Tense

Here you have some more practice on the past simple tense.
Enjoy Easter holidays  and see you next week!

Listen pronunciation of regular verbs

4 November 2020

C1 That´s English: A film review

Dear C1 students,
I´d like to  propose you to write a film review. You can choose either the film we watched in the cinema/ classroom or another one you´d like to recommend.

Here you are some tips to help.


Another interesting web to help you

The best reviews will be published in the digital magazine of the school, so let´s write!

A rainy day in New York is a story about two young university lovers that want to have fun during a weekend in Manhattan.

The film´s director is Woody Allen and the cast include Timothée Chamalet as Gatsby, a young, rich student who doesn´t like his studies and Elle Fanning, a young aspiring journalist, pretty intelligent and symphathetic, called Ashleigh.

Set in Manhattan, New York, the story begins when the couple decide to spend the whole weekend in Manhattan because Ashleigh must interview a very well-known film director, interpreted by Live Schreiber. However, nothing goes as expected. She flirts with the guionist and an actor and Gatsby looks for consolation in an old friend´s sister interpreted by Selena Gomez.

The film is full of funny scenes. The plot is always exciting and never boring.

Woody Allen comes back with one of his inimitable romantic entanglements. The film is not a masterpiece but it´s worthy to be seen it. If you want to have a good time, don´t miss it!!. 
It´s highly entertaining.

Susana Morán. 

19 October 2020

A2 Bibliography


English File 4th Edition Elementary, Student´s Book and Workbook with Key 
Pack ISBN 9780194058001

Uk in brief

7 July 2020

Convocatoria exámenes orales septiembre

Dear students,
In the following link you´ll see when you´ll take the oral exam if the sanitary crisis allows it.
Check the school web for further or new details.

17 June 2020


Dear students, 
If any of you is interested in revising your marks, please let me know before Thursday 18th. In that case,  we´ll arrange an online meeting to discuss about them.

My best regards, 


16 June 2020

Información importante para presentarse al examen de certificación

Estimados alumnos y alumnas:

Espero que vosotros y vuestro allegados os encontréis bien de salud.
Hemos recibido las siguientes instrucciones de la Consejería de Educación:

 “INSTRUCCIONES de 15 de junio de 2020, de la Dirección General de Formación Profesional, Régimen Especial y Equidad Educativa, relativas a las pruebas de certificación para el alumnado oficial de las escuelas oficiales de idiomas de la Comunidad de Castilla y León para el curso 2019-2020:
- Tercera. Comunicación del alumnado oficial.
1.El alumnado oficial que desea realizar la prueba de certificación deberá comunicarlo a su profesor/a, mediante correo electrónico, entre los días 19 y 26 de junio de 2020, ambos inclusive. Ünicamente en el caso extraordinario de que se desconciese la dirección del correo del docente, se escribirá un correo electrónio al centro donde el alumnado esté matriculado.
2. En el asunto del correo deberá figurar lo siguiente: CERTIFICACIÓN, seguido del nivel e idioma que esté cursando y del nombre y apellidos del alumno. En el cuerpo del correo, de nuevo junto a los datos personales, se expresará la voluntad de realizar las pruebas de certificación del curso 2019-2020 y nivel en el que  se esté matriculado comu alumno oficial.
3. El alumnado que necesite condiciones especiales para la realización de las pruebas debido a algún tipo de discapacidad física o sensorial, deberá comunicarlo obrligatoriamente por el mismo medio y en el mismo plazo establecido en el punto anterior, especificando las medidas concretas que solicita para poder realizar la prueba. Si fuera necesario, se le podrá requeri la presentación de la correspondiente documentación justificativa de dicha discapacidad.”

Por lo tanto, debéis enviarnos un correo al profesor o la profesora antes del 26 de junio (inclusive) manifestando vuestra intención de presentaros a las pruebas de certificación.
Un cordial saludo

Estos son los datos que se nos piden y un modelo para que redactéis el correo:





Yo, ____________________________________, expreso mi voluntad de participar en las pruebas de certificación del curso 2019-2020 en el idioma: ________, nivel: _____, en el que estoy oficialmente matriculado.

En león, a _____ de junio de 2020

10 June 2020


Thank you for your amazing presentations.
You´ve done a great job. 
I´m learning quite a lot of things from you.

Thanks a lot Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

25 May 2020

Última semana para renuncia de matrícula

El 29 de mayo es el último día para renuncia de matrícula.
Implica repetir el año que viene y que no corra convocatoria.
Los interesados pueden hacer su petición en el correo de la escuela.


Y una buena noticia: 

Pruebas de Certificación : habrá 2 convocatorias, cuando la situación Covid19 lo permita.

Have a nice week!

I´ll be checking all your tasks, let me know if you have any doubt.

24 May 2020

Speaking about health (4th language exchange)

Vocabulary about health

Talk about some general issues about health:

1. Symptoms of the flu.
2. How often do you take painkillers? What do you take them for?
3. Reasons why people resort to alternative medicine instead of mainstream.
4. What is advisable to do when you have a fever? When did you last have it and what did you miss doing because of it?

Continue with some more specific questions about a hot topic. Choose some of them in each block.

                                       Image result for pandemic


  1. What is a pandemic?
  2. How is a pandemic different to an epidemic?
  3. What do you know about "swine flu" or "COVID- 19"?
  4. What (if anything) do you think you could personally do to reduce your chance of being infected in a pandemic?
  5. What do you think you should do if you get an infection? Should you go to work (or school) or not?
  6. How would you react if a colleague came in to work who seemed to be infected?
  7. What (if anything) do you think the government should or could do to reduce people's chance of infection?
  8. What difference (if any) do you think that closing borders would make?
  9. How many food scares/health scares can you think of over the last few years? Which ones turned out to be serious?
  10. Are you buying any medicines in case a pandemic strikes? 
  11. Do you think it is sensible for the government to stockpile drugs in case of a pandemic?
  12. Do you think that wearing a mask makes much difference to your contracting an infection or does it just give psychological support?
  13. How much difference do you think that washing your hands would make?
  14. A recent pandemic, swine flu, seems to have started in pigs. Do you think not eating pork make you safer?


  1. Are there any current pandemics that you are aware of?
  2. Do you think you will experience a deadly pandemic or do you think there is a lot of exaggeration?
  3. Which of the following do you think is most likely to happen within the next fifteen years?
    • An earthquake in Los Angeles.
    • An asteroid strike.
    • A deadly pandemic, e.g., airborne spread Coronavirus   
    • A drop in global temperatures due to the sun cooling


  1. Did people travel less to Asia or Italy because of the Covid-19? How long did the scares last?
  2. How would you feel about travelling to a country with a significant outbreak?
  3. In what ways do you think a pandemic would effect the world's financial systems?
  4. Which business do you think would be helped by a pandemic and which business would be damaged?

                                                         Compulsory Italian school vaccinations: How it works - The Local


  1. Do you think that vaccinations are useful or dangerous?
  2. Can you explain how vaccinations work?
  3. Do you usually receive a vaccination for flu in the winter? How is the vaccination given to you?
  4. Have you had a swine flu vaccination?If not, do you intend to have one?
  5. How much would you be prepared to pay for a vaccination?
  6. Often vaccines are developed by governments and not drugs companies. Why do you think this is?
  7. Is it moral for companies to make big profits by selling life-saving drugs? Would they develop them if they couldn’t make big profits?
  8. What is the difference between an antibody and an antibiotic? Will they both have an effect on the flu virus?

Vaccine rejection

While the only to be sure that you won't get swine flu is to have a vaccination, some people don't like the idea of being vaccinated. All the following statements can be found on the web. 
Rate them as: (a) I believe this very sensible statement. (b) There could possibly be some truth in this though it seems improbable. (c) This is absurd.

  1. Although the WHO has distributed the vaccine to the whole world it has not been properly tested and could kill people.
  2. Eating vitamin D and garlic and avoiding sugar will be more effective than the vaccine.
  3. Only the weak need vaccines so I'm not having one.
  4. If you only eat organic food then you will be safe.
  5. Vaccine companies will make money out of the vaccine so I'm not going to take it even though my government has already paid for it.
  6. The vaccine is toxic, and it's a plot by the UN who want to reduce the world's population. 


  • Ebola fever /iːˈbəʊlə, ɪˈbəʊlə, əˈbəʊlə/: the disease.
  • Ebola virus: the virus that causes the disease.
  • Ebola river: a river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that gave the name to the virus and the disease.
  • Zika fever /ˈziːkə/: the disease.
  • Zika virus: the virus that causes the disease.
  • Zika Forest: a forest in Uganda that gave the name to the virus and the disease.

Finally, do some role plays on the topic.


21 May 2020



I know I´d told you to send the presentations 21st May as much, but you have until next Monday 25th to do it.
As there are some classmates who prefer not to share their presentations with their peers for many different reasons, I´ll create a Padlet with the presentations of the students who don´t mind sharing with the rest. Obviously, only the ones who give their permission for sharing will get the link to see the rest.
So, whenever you finish with your presentations, upload them to a Drive document and send me the link. In your e-mail state clearly if you want to share it or not.

Hopefully, we have plenty of presentations to learn from each other!

18 May 2020

Speaking (3rd language exchange)

Discuss these questions in pairs.


 1.   Do  you  feel  your  own  consumption  of  music,  films  and  TV  has  changed  over  the  last  5  years?  (Do  you watch films, TV shows or listen to music in a different way? Why?)
2. What are the pros and cons of the way culture and entertainment are being accessed now? Is it more widely available, or is it widening a gap for people unable to afford it? 

3. In your view, will the coronavirus lockdown have any long-lasting effects on the entertainment industry?
 Will audiences be afraid to go to a live concert or to a theatre play once restrictions are lifted? 
Will virtual gigs  (where  artists  live-stream  their  performances  from  home  or  the  studio)  become  popular  after  the pandemic?
 Will they even replace live gigs altogether? 



 4. Talk about something which you regret doing/not doing in your life, and how your life would have been different if you hadn’t done/had done it.



5. Imagine you work for your town’s Tourist Information Office and want to give tourists information about your town/city. Include as much information as possible about: getting around, safety, sightseeing, local customs, shopping, food and drink.


6. Is crime a problem in your city? What should a visitor of your city or country be careful of? Are there any areas they should avoid? Has anything ever happened to you? What crimes have been in the news lately?



Your school is planning to organise some events and activities so that the students and their families can help the environment. Here are some suggested actions that can be taken:

  • Plant more trees
  • Clean up beaches
  • Ride a bicycle

Discuss your ideas with your partner and try to reach an agreement.


Your school is planning to organise some events and activities so that the students and their families can help the environment. Here are some suggested actions that can be taken:

  • Do not leave taps running
  • Give money to an environmental charity
  • Recycle rubbish

Discuss your ideas with your partner and try to reach an agreement.


Your friend Stephanie is interested in doing a student summer job. She likes meeting people but would prefer not to work in the evenings. Her School Careers Adviser has given her the following suggestions:

  • Babysitter
  • Fruit picker
  • Sales assistant
  • Hotel receptionist
  • Waitress

Give her some advice on which job to choose.


You are Stephanie and are interested in doing a student summer job. You like
meeting people but would prefer not to work in the evenings. Ask your friend for some advice and tell him / her about the suggestions your School Careers Adviser has given you:

  • Babysitter
  • Fruit  picker
  • Sales  assistant
  • Hotel  receptionist
  • Waitress

After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each job with your friend, choose one and give your reasons.

17 May 2020

(For the Third language exchange) Workshop: Talk about someone you admire

Tell your classmate about a person you admire.
Do it without interruptions. (4´preparation time ,4 talking )

15 May 2020

Have a great weekend

Dear students, 

I´ve finished checking all your tasks so, if you miss any feedback from any of your homework ,please, let me know. I have so many e-mails during the week that it´s possible that I´ve missed any.
Next Monday, I´ll upload the topics for the third language exchange early in the morning.
Hopefully, I´ll be able to upload the material for you to work all through the week before midday.  Topic: HEALTH.
Don´t forget to prepare your final presentations in depth.

                                                            LET'S LEARN TOGETHER!!: HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!!!

10 May 2020

Speaking about JOBS (for the second language exchange)

  • At what age do people usually begin to work in your country?
  • At what age do people usually retire in your country?
  • At what age would you like to retire?
    • What do you think you will do after you retire?
    • How much money do you think you need to retire with your lifestyle?
  • Can you talk about what a typical day at your current job is like?
  • Can you describe some of the people that you work with?
  • Can you describe your current job? Talk about terms and conditions.
  • What was your first job?
  • Do women usually work after they get married in your country?
  • Do you ever work overtime?
    • If so, do you get paid more for overtime work?
  • Do you have a part-time job? If so, what do you do?
  • Do you have to attend a lot of meetings for your job?
  • Do you have to do a lot of paperwork?
  • Do you have to work overtime?
    • If so, how often?
    • Do you have to work on Sundays?
    • Do you like your boss? Why or why not?
    • Do you like your job?
    • Do you like your job? Why or why not?
    • Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?
    • Do you think women and men should be paid the same for the same job?
    • Do you think women are good bosses?
    • What are some of the worst jobs you can think of?
    • What are some of the best jobs you can think of?

  • Is it better to be a boss or an employee? Why?
  • What would be the most satisfying job for you?
  • What is one of the most exciting jobs you can think of? How about one of the most boring jobs?
  • What kind of job do you want to get in the future?  What kind of tasks will you have to do?
  • Do you think what job someone has determines who they are?
  • What is the most dangerous job?
👉After having answered some of the questions above, let´s do some role plays. As we usually do in the classroom, decide who is A and who is B and set a minimum of 2-3 minutes to prepare a little bit your role, with the type of language you need to include. It´s important that you only read your part.
Can you record one role play and send it to my e-mail?
They should last for 5 minutes give or take.
  • Student A RoleStudent B Role
    (1a) You are a working man/woman who has a large family. You are at work. Your boss wants to talk with you.
    (1b) You are a manager. You have an employee that hasn’t been performing well. He/she is often late. He/she also spends a lot of time checking his/her private emails and strange websites instead of doing work. Yesterday, you caught her/him sleeping at his/her desk. Please fire the employee (in a nice way).
    (2a) You are a manager. You are in your office. Your best employee knocks on your door. He/she wants to talk with you.
    (2b) You are at work. Please tell your boss that you have accepted a position at another company, so you will be leaving the company in 2 weeks.
    (3a) You are a boss. Tell your employees that because of the economic crisis, they will be taking a 20% pay cut. This pay cut actually started last month, but you forgot to tell them. Also, you will need them to come in on the weekends for the next few months, until things get better.
    (3b) You are at work. Your lovely boss has an announcement.
    (4a) You are the manager of a busy company. One of your employees wants to talk with you.
    (4b) Your boss has been forcing you to work more and more overtime every week. You have also been given many extra responsibilities that do not fall under your job description. You haven’t been able to spend much time with your family, and your husband/wife is threatening to divorce you. Please talk to your boss.