26 November 2010

B1 Homework for the weekend

Good evening!
I remind you of the homework to do this weekend.
TT(Tuesdays and Thursdays) students: pag19, 22 and vocabulary about Health and Injuries.

B2 Exercises on the Passive voice

As I told you this afternoon, here you are some extra practice on the passive voice.

 Let me know if you have doubts!

Thursday 2nd December

Next Thursday 1-B2 students do no have class because the EOI opens at 5.Teachers are going  to vote our trade unions.
B1  students start at 5 o´clock.

Assistance B1 & B2

Ante determinadas dudas acerca de la interpretación de la Orden sobre  pérdida de derechos de matrícula por inasistencia a clase, os aclaro dos puntos:

  1. La citada Orden establece en el artículo 3 : “Una vez comprobadas por el profesorado las faltas de asistencia a clase a las que se refiere el artículo 2, apartado 1 y 2, la Dirección del Centro notificará tal circunstancia al interesado, concediéndole un plazo de tres días hábiles para que las justifique y realice cuantas alegaciones estime pertinentes”, lo cual quiere decir que los alumnos no tienen que justificar las faltas de asistencia día a día ante el profesor, sino que tendrán que justificarlas de manera global cuando reciban el escrito firmado por la Dirección de la Escuela.

  1. Como quiera que comenzamos a pasar la hoja de firmas a comienzos de noviembre, el nº de faltas a partir del cual el alumno superará el 25 % de horas lectivas anuales es  de 13 (cifra calculada en beneficio del alumno).

25 November 2010

B2 homework for the weekend IMPORTANT!

Hi everybody!
Finally we are not doing the letter this weekend, I had no time to explain how to write a formal letter in this lesson so you will write it next week after my explanation on Tuesday.

Write a complaint letter, you can choose between these options:
Task on the book (you have instructions and tips there)
Complaint to a landlord
Tips: Since you will continue to associate with these people, your letter needs to accomplish its purpose without destroying the relationship. Tact is important. Be direct, but respectful. If you feel you must take legal action, do not mention it until other measures appear to be failing.
Complaint about a delay in an order of a product that besides is faultyTips: When the time goes beyond the standard "six to eight weeks for delivery," you may need to send this letter. Be aware that a friendly reminder usually works better than criticism in these cases.
You should follow the structure of formal letters that we saw in class( the same you used to apply for a job).
You can have a look at the samples in the link to get some ideas. http://www.io.com/~hcexres/textbook/complnt.html

Don´t forget that writing is the only way for you to improve your writing, therefore do it!

23 November 2010

December exams for B1 $ 1B2

Hi everybody!
I would like to inform you about the exams that are going to take place in December at the time of your  lesson.
  • WRITTEN exam: Reading, Listening and Writing
Wednesday 15th of December for the groups of Mondays and Wednesdays(MW)
Thursday 16th for the groups of Tuesdays and Thursdays (TT)
  • ORAL exam
14th and 21st for TT students
20th and 22nd for MW students
I will tell you the exact date and time when you are doing the exam. You are going to do the exam in pairs.
There are 2 parts :
Speaking : individually
Conversation: in pairs

Finally, I would like to remind you some information.
B1 students: You know that this exam is not the one that gives your mark but it´s very useful that you take it in order to know your level and the kind of exam you are going to find in June.
Remember to read and understand the criteria by which I am going to check your exams (if you don´t have them tell me to give you a copy)

1B2 students:
Just to remind you that this 1st exam will give you the 10% of the final score.
On the 2nd term you will get a 30% of the final mark and finally you will get the other  60% in the final exam in June. This means that if you take all the different exams for all the skills and your final mark is 5 (Apto) in each of the different skills (listening, reading, writing, listening and speaking) you won´t take the final exam with an score of 100% (this is for students that have not taken the continuous assessment).
Remember to read and understand the criteria by which I am going to check your exams (if you don´t have them tell me to give you a copy)

That´s all good luck folks!


Please have a look at this it´s very important for you

  1. Durante este curso sólo perderán los derechos de matrícula aquellos alumnos que acumulen ausencias, sin causa justificada,  durante más del 25 % de las horas lectivas anuales.
  2. Los alumnos que se encuentren en esta situación perderán esencialmente el derecho de asistencia a clase y la reserva de plaza para el curso próximo.
  3. Conservan, sin embargo, el derecho a examen.