24 April 2020

22 April 2020


Dear students, 
This week  we´re going to deal with technology . 
Answer the question for yourself.   
  •  What kind of professions will disappear in the next 10-15 years and which ones will become more common?
  • Do you think that on balance more jobs will be created or lost because of technology? 
                            Llegada de coronavirus traerá consigo robots para reemplazar el ...

Open the link above and do the exercises 2, 3 and 4.

👉READINGLearn More About Robots  

Read the following extract about robots and  Complete the gaps with a suitable word from the table below. You may need to change the grammar form of the words. 

utilize     household    incapable    creep   like   drastic   menial   
 capable    revolution    confinement   key   unlike   likely 

Since their introduction into the economy, robots have played (1)______ roles in manufacturing and agriculture. Robots are programmed to complete repetitive, (2)_______ tasks and are highly efficient. Robots can work virtually nonstop, (3)________ human workers who need costly job perks like health benefits, time to eat and sleep, and most of all, wages. In the past, robots have been largely (4)_________ to the manufacturing industry, but lately robots have been (5)____________ into new industries and aspects of human life. You may even have a robot in your home! Millions of (6)_________ across the world have robots that vacuum the floor. Robots are not just being used for petty tasks like home cleaning, but are even (7)__________ in scientific labs to carry out monotonous yet precise tasks, such as micropipetting. Thanks to (8)_________   advancements in software engineering, robots are now (9)_________of completing much more complex tasks, and soon, they may completely (10)__________ the workplace by superseding millions of human workers. 

KEY:   1.key 2. menial  3. unlike 4. confined  5. creeping  6. households  7. utilized  8. drastic  9. capable  10. revolutionize         

 Think about  the following points:
 Do you think that technology steals people’s jobs?
 In what type of job might a human be happy to have a robot take over some tasks?
 Who might be affected positively and negatively by the addition of robots in the workforce?
 If robots take on some tasks currently performed by humans, how might the humans' jobs change?
 How can we change the education to prepare new generations for automation?

👉 Send a comment  giving your opinion about one of the questions above.

 👉Optional writing or recorded monologue :  To what extent do you agree with the statement below? 

"We’ve become slaves to machines, which breed laziness and contribute to a sedentary life".

Write an opinion composition giving reasons for your answer and including any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Make sure that you use advanced vocabulary and grammar. Also, use connectors to give cohesion and coherence to your writing.
You should write 220- 250 words. Remember that extension is part of the task.

21 April 2020


13 times you shouldn't say 'I'm sorry' at work | The Independent

Hi again,
If you miss any feedback from any of your tasks from the previous weeks, please send them again.
I´ve got so many e-mails that´s possible that I hadn´t read some.

Problems with my computer

Dear students,
I´m afraid I won´t be able to hold videoconferences with you. I´m having a lot of technical, logistic and schedule problems what is causing me an unbearable personal situation. I´m really sorry about this.
We´ll continue the way we were working until now and I´ll try to set a time for you to speak in small groups .
👉Send me an email with your schedule preferences and I´ll try to adjust a timetable to start as soon as possible.
It´s possible that you have to prepare some tasks beforehand but we´ll also hold some spontaneous conversations.

20 April 2020

Computer being repaired

I'm having my computer repaired. 
Hopefully, I can get it fixed at the end of the day.
Sorry for the inconvenience.