1 December 2023

B1 That´s English Unit 6 BOOKS

Warm-up: Brainbox. Once upon a time

 Page 59. ex 6.

💬Think about your reading habits. How do you decide which book to read? Do you read reviews or take advice from your friends? Does the front cover image or back cover synopsis influence your decision?

💬Talking about books: Islcollective. Vocabulary and conversation questions. 

  1. What´s your favourite genre? Classify them in your order of preference. Discuss in pairs your favourite and your least favourite genres.

💬2 Talking about favourite books. Following a sample (The Lord of the Flies, Anne of Green Gables),  talk about your favourite book. Don´t say the title, your group will try to guess which book you´re talking about.

👉ORAL  interlinguistic MEDIATION EXERCISE. 
(iN PAIRS. Student A 1-5, student B 6-10)

👂EXTRA Listening



💬 1. NEF 10A COMMUNICATIVE . Relative clauses quiz

2. Teach this. What´s the word? Define a word using a relative clause.

E.g. It´s a place where people read books

  1. It´s a person who...
  2. It´s a thing which...
  3. It´s a place where...

Describing feelings and opinions 

C1 The chaos of English pronunciation

Do not follow his final piece of advice, follow mines!!

                                                                Image result for never give up

30 November 2023

Oral mediation activity C1

Image result for students


CONTEXT: Your friend is studying at our school. He knows you are a good foreign language student and asks you for some help with his studies. Your English teacher gave you this article and you decided to explain it to him, as you have followed most of the tips provided.

TASK: Read the article and provide him with all the info, using your personal experience. 5 minutes to prepare, 3 minutes to mediate.

Ten habits of successful students

TO BE ASSESSED: Task completion:
Identification and selection of the information
Clarity and efficiency of the message;
Adaptation of the message: intelligibility and register

C1 The language of texting


 Does texting mean the death of good writing skills? John McWhorter posits that there’s much more to texting -- linguistically, culturally -- than it seems, and it’s all good news.
This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page.