16 October 2009

A1 Basic Level

Good morning everybody!
How are you? Como ya sabeis voy a faltar unos días hasta que me recupere un poco, espero que sea pronto y podamos seguir con nuestras clases.Espero que os vaya bien con Sonia y que ya dentro de poco pueda publicar las notas del blog en inglés.
Como os comenté el primer día trabajaremos desde el blog también asi que os remito a los enlaces de la derecha para que investigueis, practiqueis y así poder ir avanzando poco a poco. See you soon and enjoy your English!

B1 Intermediate Level

Good morning everybody!
How are you doing these days? Well, as you already know I am not going to teach you in some days until I feel better. I am aware that Sonia has been with you all this week, I hope you enjoy and see you soon.
As I told you the first day, I am going to leave you some links in order that you practice your English. I have found this pieces quite interesting. You may listen and learn some vocabulary with the first and in the second link you can read sth I found interesting about dreams.
Have a nice weekend!
