10 January 2024

B1 4A Bad Manners?

What make is your phone?

How long have you had it?

Would you like to get a new one? Why (not)? 

What ringtone do you have?

What do you use your phone for (apart from talking)?

Where and when do you normally switch off your phone?





LISTENING: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/b1-listening


8 January 2024

B1.1 That´s English. Unit 9. The Dating Game. SPEED DATING

  1. Do you like meeting new people? Why or why not?
  2. What are some things that you usually talk about when you meet a new person?
  3. If you see a handsome boy/beautiful girl that you want to get to know, what is the best way to approach them?
  4. Why don’t strangers talk to each other as often as they used to?
  5. Have you ever had a stranger come up and start talking to you? How did you respond?
  6. Do you think that some people are destined to meet?
  7. Where is the best place to meet new people?
  8. Have you ever met someone you hated right after meeting them?
  9. Where did you meet your last partner?
  10. Do you believe in "love at first sight"?
  11. Have you ever heard of speed dating?
  12. What are some reasons why someone would want to try speed dating? Under what circumstances would you like to try it?

The origin of speed dating

The concept of speed-dating originated in Los Angeles, California in 1999. It was invented by a rabbi to help singles in the Jewish community find a partner. Originally singles were given eight minutes together, to make an impression before moving on to the next potential partner. At the end of the rotation they wrote down who was hot and who was not, and in the case of a good match contact details were exchanged.

The concept was soon exported, and took off in London in 2000. The craze soon spread all over the UK, and spawned Speed Dating Agencies and an Internet Site for finding Mr. or Ms right. The eight minute limit is supposedly based on science. It is the time required for our hormones to tell us whether the person opposite us is a potential mate. In our increasingly busy lives, where traditional courtship rituals are disappearing this time limit has now been further reduced to only three minutes, about the same time it takes us to brush our teeth.

  Discuss with your group 

Remember to use structures and vocabulary adequate to the level.

1.  Think of different ways of meeting a romantic partner.
2.  What is the minimum length of time you need to spend with somebody to know whether you are attracted to them?
3.  What are the advantages of speed dating?
4. Have you or anyone you know been speed-dating?
5.  Would you like to take part in this type of event? Why, why not?
6. Would you consider dating someone you had met over the Internet? Why or why not?
7 . What type of questions would you ask? (come up with 10 questions they would ask if they went speed-dating).
8. How would you present yourself?
9. Describe your idea of a dream date and of a  nightmare date.


Consolidation: Speaking and oral mediation. 
Page 96: exercises: 1, 4, 5 
Page 97: ex. 8.


Watch the video and answer  the following questions:
 What does Ava decide to wear?
 How does she feel when she arrives at the bar?
 What are the three rules of speed-dating?
 What is wrong with each of Ava’s dates? Give as much detail as possible.

 Is the ending happy?

Personality adjectives


👉Homework: Writing.(125 words)
Page 95, ex 5. Write a short description of your perfect date. Include the information below and use the model to help you. 
  • Describe your ideal partner: physical description, profession, habits and personality.
  • Suggest good places to go and say why.
  • Describe what would happen on the date.
  • Give a final piece of advice.

7 January 2024

Workshop: New Year's resolutions

Discussion Questions about New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Do you have a bad habit you would like to change?
  2. Can you think of a new habit you would like to start?
  3. Do you think the beginning of the year is a good time to start something new?
  4. Write down 3 things that you would like to accomplish by the end of the year.

Vocabulary  B1

quit (+ing)                     make an effort to

cut down on (+ing)         begin 

keep doing                     reduce

try harder to stop-give up

start   (+ing)                  continue                           


Task: New Year´s Resolutions B1 (in onedrive)



  • What New Year's resolutions have you made in the past?
  • How can New Year's resolutions help you in the coming year?
  • What are some New Year's resolutions that you have broken quickly?
  • What are some New Year's resolutions that your friends have made?
  • How can New Year's resolutions be a good opportunity for change?
  • What New Year's resolutions are you still keeping now?
  • Are you going to lose weight?
  • Are you going to exercise every day?
  • Are you going to give up smoking?
  • Are you going to study harder?

Good year, bad year
Some years are better or more enjoyable/successful than others. We remember these years and the special things that happened.
• Choose a good year for you. Tell your partner why the year was special: 
What happened?
 What did you do? 
Who did you meet? 
Where did you go?

Make a list of things that have happened over the last year. Follow these headings to help you:
 - New friends - Fun things I did 
- Key events/moments 
- Fun things I heard or saw 
- Important lessons I learned 
• Interview your partner/classmates about their year. Was it a good year?


1  Read the text and answer the questions. 
2.  You will watch a video where a man and a woman sing about their New Year’s resolutions. Answer these questions.

  • What are their New Year’s resolutions?
  • Are you going to achieve them? Why or why not?