20 December 2017

Writing a short story. Optional homework for Christmas.

Your English club is running a short story competition. 
Choose one of the titles below and write your story (250 words):  
1 A blind date. 2 The wedding. 3 Time goes by. 4 Under my bed

SHORT STORYThis is a featured page

  • Narrative story needs paragraphing:
BEFORE THE EVENT: try to answer in this first paragraph the WHO, WHERe, WHEN and WHY of your story
THE EVENT: write 2 or 3 paragraphs to describe the WHAT HAPPENED
AFTER THE EVENT: try to solve the conflict in this paragraph and describe feelings of characters after the solution of the conflict.

  • Try to keep the chronological order of events. It will help you avoid overlapping of sequencing.
  • Short sentences create suspense, which makes your story more interesting. Do not make the plot of your story too complicated.
  • You can incorporate short dialogues into your story.
  • Use the variety of narrative tenses:

  • Past Simple:
    • to describe simple facts and states
      She opened her eyes, yawned, and slowly got up.

    • to describe events that follow each other
      She left the building, went to the shop where she realised she did not have enough money and returned home.

  • Past Continuous:
    • to set the scene
      The wind was blowing, dark clouds were gathering over his head and he was getting cold.

    • (used with Past Simple) to show that the continuity of one action is interrupted by another action
      Tom was watching the news when a strange noise came from the basement.

  • Past Perfect/ Continuous:
    • 'past in the past'- to indicate that something happened earlier than the action described
      She stared at him trying to remember where she had seen that face before.

    • to indicate that what happened earlier was a longer activity
      She was dirty and sweaty as she had been playing volleyball all day.

Useful expressions:
  • the first thing that happened; at first; it began with; it started with;
  • after that; just then; afterwards; when; once (meaning after); just as; then; after some time;
  • suddenly; out of the sudden; gradually; step by step; slowly;
  • in the end; eventually; finally; it ended with;


18 December 2017

Concurso gastronómico solidario

Concurso gastronómico y solidarios de postres
El 19 de diciembre 2017 en vuestra EOI.
 ¡ Ven y Participa! a las 17h30, en la Biblioteca.


Bases del concurso

En cuanto los miembros del jurado hayan terminado la cata y valoración de los distintos platos, los asistentes podrán degustar los dulces presentados, comprando por el módico precio de 0,50 € una porción de los mismos, colaborando así en el mercadillo solidario. La recaudación se donará a una ONG.

Alumnos de martes y jueves: (y los de lunes y miércoles que se quieran acercar a la EOI ).
Si estáis de acuerdo podremos poner nuestro granito de arena bajando antes de finalizar la clase para probar alguno de los postres preparados e incluso para poder comprar alguna porción para llevar a nuestras familias. El objetivo es recaudar lo máximo posible. 0.50€ cada porción es una cantidad simbólica pero puede ayudar a los que mas lo necesitan. 
Y por supuesto os animo a todos a participar, mostrad vuestras habilidades culinarias!  

Remember         "Charity begins at home" 

Practice for the exam. Listening

Listening.  Guidebooks