7 March 2024

B1.2 That´s English . Unit 4: The Internet

  1. How much time do you spend on the Internet?
  2. What do you use the Internet for?                                         *email  * chatting  * shopping   * banking/official procedures      * listening to music   *watching films, series, etc.   *getting information for study   * getting information for work  *getting information for pleasure
  1. What are some of the benefits of the Internet?
  2. What are some of the dangers of the Internet?
  3. What are your favourite websites? Why do you like them?
  4. How much time should children spend on the Internet?
  5. How has the Internet changed the world?
  6. What will the Internet be like in 10 years?
  7. Are you part of any social networks like Facebook or Google+?
  8. When did you get your first email address?
  9. Should the Internet be regulated or censored?
Page 42, ex 11. Prepare a dialogue with your partner.
Page 43, ex 6. In what ways does the Internet help you in your daily life?

You are going to talk about social networks. Express your ideas and use arguments to justify your opinion. Use the following statements as a help to prepare your monologue: 
1. Talk about what social networks you and your friends use and what you use them for.
2. Describe how these social networks have changed the way you relate to each other and to other people (at school, work, family, etc…), giving examples.
3. Tell us a funny or embarrassing anecdote that happened to you on a social network.

Reading: The Hollywood Walk of Fame. Madrid 2023
17 painted  18  process   19 attend  20 exists   21had  22stolen 23 characters 24examples  25 whose

6 March 2024

C1 Writing a proposal

WHAT EXACTLY IS A PROPOSAL? Imagen relacionada

A proposal is a formal document in which you "propose" or give ideas for a project. This kind of document is sent to a figure of authority, for example your boss or the senior president of a national committee, who is asking for your help  in the form of ideas (or proposals) to make the project successful.

A proposal starts by describing the situation in a business, school, club, or other organisation you might be part of. For example, you might have to talk about the computer room in your college or the state of the canteen in your office. Sounds like a report, doesn't it? Well so far it's pretty similar.
The difference between a report and a proposal is that in the latter we have to give recommendations on improving the situation.
You have to persuade whoever is reading the proposal to make the changes you think are best.
  •  describe a situation 
  • say  how you think it could be better
  • try to convince someone you are right
As you'd expect, sometimes the proposals are set in the business world, and sometimes in the academic world. In these cases you'll be writing in quite a formal style. Another common scenario is that you're in a club and want to propose some changes - if you're writing to the other members of the club you can be a bit less formal but you should still be polite.


You should use headings, and have an intro and conclusion. You CAN use bullet points but  write in full sentences. Bullet points can help people read something efficiently, but they are often used by writers who are too lazy/scared to write complete sentences. Use them with care!
Oh, and it's not a letter so don't start with 'Dear Sir.'




Useful language for a proposal
sample 1
sample 2
Sample 3
Writing checklists



  1. In the following piece of writing the headmaster of The English Language School has asked you to write a proposal on how to improve the EOI León (facilities, building, devices..) and how to attract new students. 


There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town where you are a student. You feel that the building should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council explaining why you think the building should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to modernise it and saying how the building could benefit the local people.

Notice that proposals have a title and subheadings (subtitles). There is an introduction and a conclusion as well.