22 May 2024

Action verbs

C1 - 2B. Extreme sports


Extreme sports - also called Action Sports - are just not like mainstream sports. Past and present they are crawling with rebels, riders, drivers and rock stars. It's not about uniforms, coaches or scripts.

Expressing yourself through action is the key it’s an attitude, a way of life, even a religion. Once you're in, you're in for life.
Skateboarding, Longboarding, Mountain Boarding, Sandboarding, Drifting, BMX, Motocross, FMX, Aggressive Inline Skating, Mountain Biking, Caving, Slacklining, Abseiling, Rock Climbing, Free Climbing, Bouldering, Mountaineering, Parkour, Sand kiting, Zorbing
Surfing, Long/short, Body boarding, Waterskiing, Wakeboarding, Kitesurfing, Windsurfing, Cave diving, Flowboarding, Paddle surfing / Stand up paddle, Kayaking, Cliff Jumping, Coasteering, Scuba Diving, Knee Boarding, White Water Rafting, Skim Boarding, Jet Skiing
Snow and Ice:
Snowboarding, snow skiing, Ice Climbing, Snowmobiling, Snow Kiting
Base Jumping, SkyDiving, Wing Suiting, Bungee Jumping, High-lining, Hang Gliding, Paragliding, Slacklining


Inspiration from Ellen Degeneres Show: Never Have I Ever
(Cristina Cabal)

 "Yes, I have and I have never " GAME

Do you want to try it? How would you answer these questions?

  • Have you ever skipped school?
  • Have you ever fallen asleep in the cinema?
  • Have you ever been to a nude beach?
  • Have you ever done something you regret?
  • Have you ever read a whole Harry Potter book?
  • Have you ever drunk while underage?
  • Have you ever had an accident?
  • Have you ever kissed someone on the first date?
  • Have you ever read the Bible?
  • Have you ever aced a test without studying?
  • Have you ever passed out?
  • Have you ever slept until 5 pm?
  • Have you ever eaten food that fell on the floor?
  • Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?
  • Have you ever lied to get a job?
  • Have you ever regifted something that was gifted to you?
  • have you ever given a stranger a fake phone number?
  • Have you ever met someone famous?

20 May 2024

C1 That´s English Choices Unit 8


What do you  usually do when you need to make an important decision?

Moving abroad for work

Dropping out of university to pursue a career in music

Moving in with your significant other

Opening your own business


Moving abroad for work

Pros:                                                                                      Cons:                                                              

more money                                                                            leaving your friends and family

new experience                                                                       difficult to adapt to new conditions

improve your language                                                        language barrier

a better job                                                                              loneliness

personal development                                                          risk

learning about new cultures

  If you move abroad for work you might earn more money, however, it might be difficult to adapt to new living conditions.

More ways to contrast ideas: on the other hand, whereas, but, although, nevertheless

Speculationsmay, could, maybe, perhaps

Discuss their lists of pros and cons with a partner. 

Check whether there are more pros or cons on each list and whether it is a good idea to take the decision.

Optional follow-up /homework: students write a short composition about one of the decisions e.g. “Would you move abroad for work?”.




If I had to teach Spanish to a person who knew nothing about the language

If someone pays me a compliment

If I had been born in the 17th century

If I had lived in another country when I was in high school

If I won a lot of money

If my car had been stolen yesterday

If I go out this weekend

If you had asked me for $100 last week

Most people would be a lot happier if

Were you to ask me to help you cheat on the next exam

If men had babies instead of women

If I could change one thing about my life right now

If I could have any job in the world

If I had been born 10 years earlier

If I could meet someone famous

If my best friend had gotten into a lot of trouble

Power Point Dilemmas



B1 Practice on quantifiers