26 June 2012


In the link below you can find very useful practice to help you develop your English skills.


Have a nice summer!

Dear students,
it´s time to rest and enjoy the summer.
 For those of you who have passed all the skills Congrats! this means you have worked hard and you have achieved your goals for this course.For those of you who have to retake any of the skills in September because you have found any of the exams difficult, I´d like to tell you that is not so bad. This means that you don´t have the level yet but, if you spend some time during the holidays you can pass your exams in September and therefore continue your English studies with your classmates next year. I am going to look for some interesting links to help you develop the skills you have failed.

And that´s all for now, I´m already resting because I feel very tired and waiting for my baby daughter to be born.
All the best for you and looking forward to seeing you in the near future.  

19 June 2012


Finalmente y ante la posibilidad de que la semana que viene ya esté de baja, la revisión de los exámenes la haremos mañana 20 de junio de 10.30-12.00 en el aula 1.8 .

Si por alguna razón no pudierais venir y estuvierais interesados en ver vuestros exámenes los dejaré en el  departamento y algún compañero os lo podría enseñar el día oficial fijado para la revisión, es decir el lunes 25 de junio de 16.30 a 18.00. En ese caso, puede que mis compañeros no os pudieran ofrecer ningún tipo de explicación al respecto.

18 June 2012

2 B1 Mondays and Wednesdays marks

Dear students,
I have just uploaded your marks in the web of the school.
I´m  really sorry for the delay.

16 June 2012


Dear 1B1 students and 2B2 from Tuesdays and Thursdays,
I have already uploaded your marks from June exams (convocatoria ordinaria). You can check them in the web of the school.
I´ll upload 2B1 Mondays and Wednesdays marks on Monday evening. I have to compare your writings with the colleague that did the oral exams with me.

Remember that the day for the revision is the 25th. Anyway, I am feeling exhausted lately and surely I won´t be working that day so If it were possible,  before starting my pregnancy leave I´ll arrange one day for revisions.

I hope you got the expected results, otherwise it means that you need to work a little bit more this summer.
Take care,

11 June 2012

End of June exams

Dear students,
you have already taken all  your exams; now it´s time for you to rest and for me to check. I hope to get your marks on the Internet before the 22nd but I can´t promise anything.
Anyway, I´ll do my best.
Take care and enjoy,

31 May 2012

Feel, by Robbie Williams


Listen to a song to relax, enjoy yourselves!

Classrooms for the exams

Dear students,
finally today the classroom for the oral exam has been arranged.
You are all taking it in our classroom 1.8.

Remember that students from Mondays and Wednesdays are taking their written exam in these classrooms below.
1B1-classroom 1.7
2B1-classroom 1.6

Tuesdays and Thursdays students will take the exam in our classroom 1.8

Don´t forget to bring your ID Cards to show to the teacher who is with you.

I wish you all the best for your exams!

2B1 Opinion compositions

Dear students,
have a look at some good compositions that your classmates have written.


The positive influence of pets, such as dogs, in human health and well-doing has been well recognized, but there are people in the cities that think that dogs are dirty and transmit diseases. Personally, I don’t think so.

Firstly, dogs are domestic animals. There are pets and in some cases, such as those that accompany blind people are essential for life. Besides, dogs work with humans, for example with the police, because they have some senses developed  in a very effective way.

Secondly, the company of a pet is essential for people who live alone: they reduce the stress of their owners, reduce the feeling of loneliness and make their owners to be related to each other. However,  veterinarians should advise for responsible ownership, as there are health risk in human-animal relationships.

To sum up, if there is health control, dogs are not dangerous for our health when they live with humans, and the city can be a natural environment for them because they are integrated into our lives, so they should not be banned in cities.

Olga Terrón

Nowadays, in my country, there are hundreds of dogs in all cities.
Some of them live in the street because they have had bad luck and they have been abandoned.
Unfairly, others have irresponsible owners that do not fulfill their obligations. However,most of them live with a person who take care of them or whom they look after. So..should dogs be banned in cities?. Personally, I don't think so.

Firstly, dogs are the most faithful animals and they keep company with the person who lives alone and they help old people not to feel depressed. Besides, they are very useful for blind people. If dogs were banned, blinds would lose their independence.

Secondly, they are, in many cases, as if  they were another member of the family and it would be a
really familiar  drama if dogs were banned.

To sum up, I think that people who leave their pets in the street should be punished, and the owners who do not pick up the excrements of the dogs should be fined, because they are the only responsible of their dogs.

Raquel González

In most cities today you can see many dogs walking in the street with their owners; dogs from different breeds such as golden retrieved, boxer, bulldog , foxterrier, etc. Personally I am afraid of dogs but the fact is that I understand people who like dogs.

Firstly, dogs are the best pets for everybody, especially for children and for old people because they can live together, sharing all the time in the same house. Besides, they are a good companion for lonely people. Therefore many psychologists recommend having one and keep it close .

Secondly, we cannot forget the work developed by dogs when they guide blind people. What is more, people who love dogs always say: “they will never leave you”.

To sum up, I am against banning dogs in cities because they can live in a house the same as people do and they need to walk in parks and in streets although they should be trained by their owners to avoid disturbing other people.

Begoña del Valle


Currently in Spain, hunting is legally considered a sport. Furthermore, even it has a Federation although, fortunatelly hunting is still not an olympic discipline. Personally, I am absolutely against sport hunting.

Firstly, sport hunting is not a sport. Generally speaking, the sport consists of a physical activity where you decide to participate and animals has not freedom to choose. Besides, sportsmanship means respecting the opponent. Animals are not respected but killed.

Secondly, sport hunting destroys ecosystems because the hunt leads to the extinction of the species. As a result it could be a serious problem for the planet.

Finally, although many people think that hunting can promote rural economy, there are other ways to do it without having to kill animals. For instance: hiking, climbing, canoeing, rural tourism, etc.

To sum up, I think sport hunting is a cruel activity whose goal is killing for fun.

Nuria Pérez

For centuries, men have been hunting animals as a means of survival. However, in recent years this activity has begun to be considered as a sport. Personally, I am totally against this fact.

Firstly, I cannot consider killing animals as a sport, as long as this practice causes the death of innocent and harmless animals. I think this is very cruel, unfair and unnecessary. These animals are not dangerous for the human race and they are totally defenseless.

Secondly, the majority of hunters do not kill for subsistence, as in prehistoric times, it is only a pleasure for them. What is more, in many cases, hunted animals are not consumed as food, they are only kept as trophies or awards for hunters.

Finally, I think this kind of fun promotes violence and the use of arms, that, in my opinion, it should be used in totally necessary cases, such as wars.

To sum up and as far as I see it, hunting as a sport should be made illegal always that involves death or suffering of an animal.


Nowadays, animals are used in medical experiments all over the world. Chimpanzees and rats are, perhaps, the most used, but there are many other animals, whose immune system is studied by men, that are used too.
Could man perform medical experiments without using animals? Personally, I don't think so.

Firstly, I believe that there is no way to test drugs before being administered to humans. Animals, such as the chimpazees, have got an immune system very similar to man's.

Secondly, laboratory animals, that are used for the experiments, are bred for this purpose. Besides, animal experiments not only serve to cure human diseases, but also they serve to know and eraticate diseases that affect other animals. In addition, they can prevent its appearance.

In conclusion, although it may seem cruel, if we want to know why certain illnesses appear and find a cure for them, we previously need to know how the illness has been originated and find a remedy for it, and we have to try this remedy in the laboratory with animals as a previous step towards using it with humans.

Santiago Villares

17 May 2012


Dear students,
unfortunately, the course is going to finish in two weeks´ time. Therefore you should try to work as hard as you  can to get your final goal and then enjoy the summer.

My proposal for this weekend is:
1B1 students: page 98 of your book, worksheet about relative clauses and Write a film review (using page 97 as a model).
2B1: page 99 (revise and check topic n 6), worksheet about Text organizers I gave you last session  and read the text on page 100-101 The man who destroyed mealtimes (ex 1).

Besides, I´ll try to find some listenings or videos for you to practice your listening.
Don´t forget to start revising vocabulary, grammar and the writing models that we have been studying during the year to do your best at the final exam.

Enjoy your weekend and see you next week!!

14 May 2012


GRUPO: 2º INTERMEDIO 3.2 , MARTES Y JUEVES                        AULA: 1.8

HORA                   ALUMNO                                  ALUMNO                           
16.00-16.15        Díez Martínez, Eva Mª                Díez Ruiz, María A.
16.10-16.20        Espeso Lorenzana, Alejandro     Fernández García, Rubén
16.20-16.30        García Pardo, Beatriz                  González Fernández, Covadonga
16.30-16.40        González Roldán, Raquel            Jañez Javares, Pilar
16.40-16.50        León Sánchez, Marta Mª             López Martínez, Juan Ramón1
17.15-17.30        Martínez Denis, Ana Isabel         Martínez Martínez, Mª Cruz
17.30-17.40        Muñiz Foces, Mª Fernanda         Nava Santamarta, Humberto
17.40-17.50        Parrilla Losada, Carolina            Pérez Rabadán, Nuria
17.50-18.00        Prieto González, Laura               Ramos Gutiérrez, Rocío
18.00-18.10        Robles Santamaría, Pilar             Rodríguez Díez, Eva
18.10-18.20        Sutil Fernández, Mª Isabel          Terrón García, Olga Ana
18.20-18.30        Valle Mancha, Mª Begoña          Zhernovnikova, Irina
18.20                    Santos Paniagua, Aurea

*18.20 resto de alumnos de este grupo no mencionados anteriormente



HORA                   ALUMNO                                         ALUMNO                            
16.00-16.15         Alvarez Ugidos, Rebeca                  Casado Nava, Sandra
16.10-16.20         Castro Caballero, Tatiana                Domínguez López, Teresa
16.20-16.30         García Antón, Juan Luis                  García González, Mª Consuelo
16.30-16.40         González Puente, M. Tomás           González Villa, María
16.40-16.50         Gutiérrez Llamas, Susana                Gutiérrez Poza, Fátima
17.15-17.30         Juan Franco, Javier                           Malagón Montaña, Rosa
17.30-17.40         Martín Centeno, Mª Elena               Ortega García, Ana G.
17.40-17.50         Rebollo Falagán Jorge                     Reyero Reguera, Ana
17.50-18.00        Riva Díez, Pablo                                Rodríguez Cerra, Elisa
18.00-18.10         San José Rodríguez, Beatriz           San Martín García, Nuria
18.10-18.20        Tarrero Pastor, Alicia                       Touil, Ahmed
18.20-18.30        Villares Fernández, Santiago            Zaldo Barbero, Teresa

*18.20 resto de alumnos de este grupo no mencionados anteriormente



HORA                      ALUMNO                                           ALUMNO                           
16.00-16.15            Girón Castellanos, Sergio                González Alvarez, David
16.10-16.20             Llamazares Delgado, Sonia             Llamera Arias, Verónica
16.20-16.30            López Gutiérrez, Paula                     Marbella Lescún, Victor
16.30-16.40            Marcos Callejo, Carolina                 Paredes Bartomeu, Jorge
16.40-16.50            Prado Santos, Javier                          Rodríguez García, Laura
16.50-17.00            Santamarta Martínez, Belén             Tascón Rodríguez, Mirian
17.00-17.10            Valdespina Hernández, Eduardo       Valle Rodríguez, Elena

*17.00 resto de alumnos de este grupo no citados ni el día 6 ni el día 7 de junio.



HORA                         ALUMNO                                           ALUMNO                              
16.00-16.15              Aller San Millán, Paula                     Alonso Abad, Patricia
16.10-16.20              Alvarez Casado, Elena                       Alvarez Fernández, Elena
16.20-16.30              Blanco González, Eduardo                Fernández Garrido, Ana Isabel
16.30-16.40              Fidalgo Rosa, Marina                        García González, Seila
16.40-16.50              García Martínez, Patricia                  García Moratiel, Miriam



HORA                 ALUMNO                                    ALUMNO                                  
16.00-16.15         Barbado Amigo, Marta                    Bernardo Moro, Marta
16.10-16.20         Díez-Ordas de Cadenas, María         Falagán Corte, Daniel
16.20-16.30         Fernández Fernández, Sara              García Cuéllar, Jesús Manuel
16.30-16.40         García García, Silvia                        García Rodríguez, Nerea P
16.40-16.50         Gómez Gallardo, José Fernando       Gómez Marcos, Lucía
17.15-17.30         González González, Mª José             Martín Cembranos, Lucía
17.30-17.40         Martín Mateos, Sara                        Martínez Sánchez, Saúl
17.40-17.50         Martínez Villafañe, Juan Pablo         Mateos Astorga, Cristina
17.50-18.00         Ordóñez Cadenas, Susana                Perigali Guerrero, Daniel
18.00-18.10         Prieto Vega, Estefanía                     Vega González, María

*18.00 resto de alumnos de este grupo no mencionados anteriormente

3 May 2012

Peruvian Hero

Dear students,
you can listen to the story of the Peruvian Hero that has been broadcast today in the BBC.

Reported Speech for 1-2 B1 students

Dear 1B1 students, (good practice for 2B1 students to revise as well)
here you are some practice on the structure of Reported Speech

2 May 2012

1B1 homework for The weekend

My proposal for next lesson is to read the text on page 86 and do exercises 5 and 6, including the part of grammar on page 140. (Reported commands). Tomorrow I´ll upload extra practice on Reported speech  for you to do it on-line.

2B1 homework for the weekend

Dear students,
For next lesson you are going to write an opinion composition (page 82) on one of the topics on page 71(speaking). 150  words.
Besides, we´ll check the reading exercise 6 on page 86.
We have already dealt with vocabulary about Crime and Punishment(page 155)(only Mondays and Wednesdays group)
 Enjoy the weekend!

30 April 2012

Today´s lesson for Mondays and Wednesdays groups

Dear students,
due to the fact that it was not your fault not to come today ,if you read the web of the school, I was not going to take into account the assistance today.
Anyway if you are interested in what we have done I tell  you.

1B1- we were dealing with some aspects of the oral exam (some practice and analysing some common mistakes you normally make) and we were studying vocabulary about SHOPPING on page 153.

2B1- we were revising vocabulary about topic number 5 and doing some extra practice on speaking. We´ll check page 83 next Wednesday.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

See you on Wednesday!

Tuesdays and Thursdays groups homework

Dear students from Tuesdays and Thursdays,
As you have missed two lessons (one because I was sick and the one of tomorrow), I´d like you to do some extra homework. Sorry I didn´t tell you last weekend but I didn´t have my books at home.
1B1-page 153, vocabulary bank about SHOPPING and page 86 Reading exercise number 5.

2 B1-Reading ex. 4 in page 78 and page 83 Revision of topic number 5

See you on Thursday


Dear students,
there´s a mistake in the web of the school. It says I´m not going to be here today BUT I AM. So there´s normal class today (30th April).
See you then

26 April 2012

No class today

Dear students,
I´m just writing to tell you that I´m not feeling very well today so I won´t go to the School.
I´ll upload the homework for the weekend when I feel a little bit better.
Sorry about that.


20 April 2012

Online Telepathy Experiment.

Dear students, I´ve been doing an experiment on telepathy and I want to check if it works, so you´ll be my guinnea pigs.

Carefully follow the instructions below and I will read your mind and tell you your answer: (use your dictionary if you don´t understand sth). Send me your comments to check if it has worked out,they´ll be published.

* Think of a number between 2 and 9

* Multiply the number by 9

* Add the two digits together

* Subtract 5 from the number you now have

* Convert the number into a letter -
1 = a , 2 = b, 3 = c , etc

* Think of a European Country starting with that letter

* Now think of the second letter of that country

* Think of an animal that starts with that letter

(This must be an animal - not a bird - so if you are thinking of an eagle think again!)

* What colour is your animal?

** Now concentrate carefully on your answers

** Check below to see if I have read your mind

What you are thinking


You are thinking of a grey elephant that comes from Denmark.

4 April 2012

Download The book in the Striped Pyjamas

For the students that do not want to buy the book, you can download it in the following link.
I´ll delete this entry in a few days.



Dear students,
 I just want to wish you all the best for Easter holidays. See you all soon.

29 March 2012

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Dear 2B1 students,
Easter holidays are near and I´ve prepared some exercises about a very interesting book that I´d like you to read. Tomorrow  I´ll leave a handout in the photocopy room so you just have to ask the women downstairs for a copy whenever you can (it´ll be quite cheap, 1.68€, but I can´t do copies for eveybody).
You can take your time and read as you feel like, there are varied  exercises for each chapter and the key for you to check when you finish each one.
It´s something to help you with your reading comprehension and consequently it´ll  help you to prepare the reading exam . Anyway, the important thing is that you enjoy!
I´m not sure about the book shop where you can buy it but it´s very well-known so I don´t think you find problems to get it. In fact, I´ve been arranging with El Corte Inglés in order that they get some copies of the book.
You can also get it in the links below:

or if you want to get the book an the CD http://www.casadellibro.com/libro-the-boy-in-the-striped-pyjamas-cd-audio-read-by-michael-malon-ey/9781846576522/1264028

Irish writer John Boyne's fourth novel is the first he has written for children. It's a touching tale of an odd friendship between two boys in horrendous circumstances and a reminder of man's capacity for inhumanity.

26 March 2012

2B1 Present Perfect simple or continuous

Dear Monday and Wednesday students, (Tuesdays and Thursdays can do it from tomorrow on)
here you are some more practice on the grammar point mentioned above.
I hope it helps.

24 March 2012

London Tourism (video quiz)

Do you fancy a tour around London?
It´s a good plan for a Saturday morning,
Enjoy your weekend!!
Answer the questions about the video on the link above.

20 March 2012


St. Patrick´s Day is here again. To celebrate it this year, why don´t you listen to some Irish music and take a few minutes to reflect on what the best Irish song of all time is? Please, hand in your VOTE to your teacher BEFORE MARCH 27TH.

  1. THE IRISH ROVER  (The Dubliners) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au30c9ZMIPg
  1. WHISKEY IN THE JAR (Thin Lizzy)    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlfFwCnYyD0
  1. CHASING CARS (Snow Patrol)        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1W5lFW-vUY 
  1. I STILL HAVEN´T FOUND WHAT I´M LOOKING FOR  (U2)           http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnD6ojjA0OA        
  1. DIRTY OLD TOWN (The Pogues)        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK99y22uLv8&feature=fvst
  1. THE FIELDS OF ATHENRY (Paddy Reilly/The Dubliners)                      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qJA9JD-_2U
  1. NOTHING COMPARES TO YOU (Sinéad O´Connor)             http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUiTQvT0W_0
  1. BREATHLESS (The Corrs)     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgcPNtoaAB8         
  1. OTHERS: __________________

You can send your vote for your favourite song  to the part of comentarios. Enjoy Irish music!