11 December 2009

B1 key "laughter yoga"

Say if these statements are true or false according to the text; correct the false ones.
1. Marja Pirie was always a cheerful child. FALSE
2. Her parents were from Denmark and Finland. FALSE, they were from Holland and Finland.
3. She was a teacher for a short time because she was devoted to her family. FALSE, she was a math teacher for more than 30 years
4. She had a very hard time in 1999. TRUE
5. She left out math teaching to look for new ways of healing herself and the others. TRUE
6. After doing some laughter exercises in Toronto she decided to prepare herself to run a laughter club. TRUE
7. What she likes the least is to teach others to become certified Laughter Yoga leaders. FALSE, she loves teaching others to become certified Laughter Yoga leaders.
8. She has learnt how to improve her quality life and relationships as well as to balance her emotions. TRUE
9. Laughter Yoga has helped her to be more rational. FALSE, Yoga has helped her to be more in her heart and less in her head.
10. Now Marja is a more self-confident person than she used to be as a teenager and early maturity. TRUE
Find synonyms for these words in the text, the paragraph number is between brackets.
1. Humorous (1)- WITTY
2. Inhabitant (2)- CITIZEN
3. Died (3)-PASSED AWAY
4. Curative (3)- HEALING
5. By chance(4)- BY COINCIDENCE
6. To guide(5)- TO LEAD
7. Deep (6)- PROFOUND
8. Pain (7)-TROUBLE
9. Shine (8)-GLOW
Write an essay about this topic, answer these questions:
What do you think about this kind of therapies?
Do you think they are more effective than traditional ones? Why or why not?
Would you try them to improve your lifestyle?

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