14 February 2011

B1 Key answers Reading pag 42

Hi there!
As you can understand,  sometimes we don´t have time enough to check some exercises in the classroom that´s why we will use the blog if we run out of time.
Exercise 6
a. The men are Captain Scott and his team at the South Pole.
c. 16 January was the day that Scott´s men began to worry that the Norwegians had won the race to the South Pole. They knew this because they saw a flag tied to a sledge, left by the Norwegians.
18 January was the day Scott´s men found Amundsen´s camp. They realized that the Norwegians had beaten them and they set off on their journey home, after planting their flag.
17 February was the day that Evans collapsed and later died just after midnight.
16 March was the day Oates died. He sacrificed himself by going out into a blizzard, knowing that he would die of cold.
NOTE: Oates had gangrene and thought that he was slowing the others down.He effectively committed suicide to give the others more chance of survival.
29 March This was the last day that Scott wrote in his diary. It was also the date of Scott´s last letter to his wife. (He presumably died soon afterwards.)


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