16 November 2015

1 B2 Summary of Guy Fawkes

Dear students, 
Have a look at a very good summary about Guy Fawkes written                by one of your  classmates.


Bonfire Night takes place in the UK every year on 5th November. It is held to remember the failed “gunpowder” attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

On that day, a group of Catholic extremists leaded by Guy Fawkes also known as Guido Fawkes, wanted to kill James I and wiped out everyone in government in order to return England to the Catholic. However, the plot was discovered because one of the conspirators had a friend in the Parliament´s Houses and he wanted to prevent him by a letter that was intercepted. As a result, Guy Fawkes and his friends were arrested in the cellars of the Parliament´s Houses with 36 barrels of gunpowder. All of them were tortured, executed and thrown onto a bonfire.

Nowadays on Bonfire Night, people organize their own parties in their gardens or attend amazing firework displays. Children make life-sized effigies of Guy Fawkes called “guys” that are stuffed with newspaper or straw and dressed on old clothes in order to put them onto the fire such as Guy Fawkes was. Although in the beginning, people threw a figure of the Pope onto the fire instead.

Bonfire Night is a very important date, especially for children. For a few days beforehand they are pushing their guys saying “a penny for a guy” to get a little bit of money from adults to spend on sparklers (nowadays sweets). And everybody tastes typical  Bonfire Night food like sausages, roast potatoes, chestnuts and so on. It´s very typical too to sing the famous poem: “remember, remember the fifth of November” to mark that there is not treason with punishment.

                                                                  MERCEDES SOTO ZARZUELO
                                                                  EOI ZAMORA, BENAVENTE
                                                                  1º AVANZADO


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