30 April 2024

B1.2 That´s English Unit 9 Stories and legends


Word, lesson plan


Choose a folktale or fairy story you know well and tell the story.
What would be the modern version of that folktale or fairy story?
What makes a good story?
What makes a good storyteller?
Do you know anyone who's a particularly good storyteller?
What kind of stories does he or she tell?
When did you last hear a good story? What was it about?
Do you prefer reading stories or listening to them?
How important are folktales and fairy stories in forming someone's cultural background?
Are folktales and fairy stories taught in schools?
Certain groups of people criticise myths and fairy tales for communicating an undesirable set of values. How do you feel about this?


Used to

1. Did your mother or father use to read to you when you were very young?
2. What did you use to watch on television when you were in your early teens?
3. Did you use to eat too many sweets during childhood?
4. What did you use to eat for breakfast as a teenager?
5. Did you use to go on foreign holidays a child? Where did you use to go?
6. What time did you use to go to bed as a child?
7. Did you use to be a good student at school?
8. What subjects did you use to like studying at school?
9. Who used to be your favourite teacher at school?
10. Did you use to do all your homework on time at school??
11. Did you use to have a pet when you were younger?
12. What did you use to like doing in your spare time as a child?



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