9 April 2024

B1.2 That´s English! Unit 7 Body language

FIRST IMPRESSIONS  Don't judge a book by its cover


  1. - What is the meaning of “Don’t judge a book by its cover”?
  2. - Are you guilty of judging a book by its cover?
  3. - When you look at someone, what makes you think they are…(intelligent/greedy / kind / crazy/dangerous)
  4. - What was your first impression of your partner?
  5. - Have you met someone who you hated right away even though you didn’t know them?
  6.  - When are the most important times to make a good first impression?
  7. - What are the best ways to make a good first impression?
  8. - Do you make first impressions based on what people wear?
  9. - What kind of impression are you trying to make with your clothes?
  10. - Do you try to make a different first impression now than you did in high school?
  11. -What impression do you think is important to make at work? What do you do to create this impression of yourself? 
  12. In which jobs do people have to make very quick decisions based on first impressions?
  13. ex 4. page 70 

👉Asking for and giving opinions.

page 71. Ex 7-8.


 Expressions to talk about body language.

 Which of these gestures communicate a positive or negative message to you and why? What could they tell about a person?


 Staring          Shrugging shoulders      Chewing with an open mouth  

Crossing arms     Snapping fingers     Burping        Rolling eyes        Touching others a lot

Slouching                  Yawning 


    Follow-up questions

1. Why is body language important?
2. Have you ever changed your mind about someone after a negative/positive first impression?
3. Are you good at reading people?
4. What body language do you find irritating/ threatening?
5. Is body language universal?
6. Are you aware of your body language?
7. Can you tell someone’s personality by their handshake?
8. How do you feel when people avoid eye contact?
9. Do you get annoyed when people yawn during a conversation?
10. Do you think other cultures should adapt their body language to the locals' customs? 


page 73. ex6.

  1. What places do families spend time at in Spain?
  2. Are there any traditions or customs at these places?
  3. What is the "normal" way of behaving?



👉HOMEWORK PAGE 87, EX 6. Write a short post (125 words) for the school blog about how spending less time with technology can help us reach our creative potential.

✋I will deliver this week's corrected essays next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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