11 March 2011

1B2 Articles

Good evening!
Read some great articles written by your classmates. Enjoy the reading!

A baby saved from the flames

Toledo could have lived a tragedy yesterday. A house in the centre of the city started to burn at eleven o’clock in the morning when the owner, a young woman, went out to buy a loaf of bread leaving her baby at home for a few minutes.
A cigarette, which fell down from the table over some newspapers in the living room, was the cause of the fire and then the flames extended. By chance, the baby called Juanito was in another room.
Fortunately, a neighbour saw the smoke and phoned the fire brigade. Only five minutes later a group of four firemen went into the house and managed to extinguish the fire. The best image, which is the photography of this article, shows the little baby on the arms of a fireman. According to the fire brigade’s information, Juanito is completely in good conditions.
When the mother arrived at home, she was in a state of shock, although she calmed down when she saw her baby safely. ‘I forgot my cigarette burning, but from today I’ll give up smoking and I promise I won’t leave my son alone’, she told the journalists with Juanito on her arms.



This year 2011, the world is attending how the Arab world rebels against poverty, immovility and long lasting dictatorships. First, it was Tunisia, then Egypt, and now Libya, the countries that are involving in protests and revolts against corrupt leaders. In the same way, these nations fight to get democracy, justice and better life conditions for their countries.  

As it happened in Europe in the 80´s, a new era of freedom is spreading across Northern Africa. The flame was lighted by an unemployed young IT specialist, Mohamed Bouazizi. The last 17th December, he blew himself in Sidi Bouziz, 280 kilometers from the capital of Tunisia, after being prohibited to put the fruit stall which he used to make his living with. Some weeks later, Mohamed died in hospital, causing a wave of solidarity among thousands of people, who took the streets demanding justice, work and better life conditions.

These protests have spread to neighbouring countries such as Egypt and Libya, characterized by long dictatorial and corrupt regimes headed by Ben Ali in Tunisia (23 years in power), Hosni Mubarak in Egypt (30 years in power), and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya (40 years in power).

Furthermore, other countries in the area like Algeria, Yemen Republic and Jordan, scared of emerging outbreaks of protest, have been hastened to change cabinets and promise reforms.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, the Western countries, immersed in a serious economic crisis, cautiously, observe the developments and their consequences for the rest of the world.  For instance, Spain faces the rise in oil prices with a package of energy saving measures, out of them, the reduction in speed limits in highways -from 120 kms/ hour to 110kms/hour-, the renovation of public lighting system for more efficient ones or the rationalization of energy consumption in public buildings. Likewise, Italy is preparing for a possible flood of immigrants from these Middle Eastern countries.

In conclusion, a new historical period is underway and, according to some experts´ opinion, -“it is an unstoppable process”.  
Conchi Ballesteros Núñez .

-Introduction: To sell 1€/bag of food.
-Main body:
            -1st paragraph: Crisis.
            -2nd paragraph: Mr. Martin speaks.
            -3rd paragraph: Companies decision.
-Conclusion: Most of the population agree.

Pay to get garbage

            A new practice in management is being applied by the big fresh-food companies. Since the beginning of this year these companies have decided to sell packs of perishable food. They sell a euro per bag at the end of the work in all the English big cities.

            This is one of the consequences of the economic crisis we are suffering. The unemployment rate has raised and many people usually go to the supermarkets. People there get some fresh food from the stock. Other way, this food would be thrown in the bin because it was not able to be sold anymore. These people profite the one or two days left to be good for health of those aliments.
            Moreover, Mr. Martin, a manager of a centre in Manchester explains how they have arrived to this conclusion: “We have realised that since last summer, the amount of fresh-food money profits was decreasing”; “At the same time, the number of people waiting near the back door for the non-selling food is increasing every week”. As a result of a meeting in November, the big companies decided to offer very cheap bags of this food. “This way the lost money will be smaller” relates Mr. Martin.
            Consequently, the population, still surprised, have different points of view. “This is the last time I buy here” said a woman who doesn't agree with these practises when she knew about them. “After all, it's a good solution for both parts. Poor people can have food for a few money, and the supermarket can continue increasing its profits.”

            Although it seems that most of the population agrees with these companies decision, a non-returning way has been taken by these companies, and some riots near the shops at the finishing time have been reported to the police. 

Inés González Roger       


Maria Suarez had never flown before so she was looking forward to an exciting time when her future husband, George Clooney, invited her for a ride in his light plane. What he didn´t expected was that Mr. Clooney would suffer a heart attack while they were up in the air. Fortunately for Miss Suarez, Mr. Clooney had shown her how to operate the radio, so she was able to radio for help.
Tom Cruise, an instructor with the American Flying School who was in a plane a few miles away, received an emergency call from Miss Suarez, saying: “Mayday, Mayday, my boyfriend has had a heart attack and I don´t know how to fly”. Mr. Cruise told her by radio how to fly the aircraft. He took her through a practice landing and then helped her to bring the plane down safely at the airport just after 7 p.m.
Mr. Cruise said last night:  “It was an incredible feat for anyone, let someone alone for the first time in a light aircraft. She was incredible calm. Although when I kept telling her what controls to use, the repeated reply was ‘OK, but I’ve never done this before’, she never sounded frightened.”
After that Miss Suarez was put under sedation for deep shock, and she is now at her fiancée’s house near New York. She said yesterday:” After what I have been through, nothing will get me on a plane again. I’ve never been so terrified in my whole life, but I knew I had to keep calm” Finally she thanked Mr. Cruise, saying: “I didn´t have a clue about what to do, but Tom put me at ease and I just gritted my teeth and concentrated on the job in hand.”



The rise and fall of a famous person who died alone and sad in spite of being millionaire.

                      Money is not necessary to be happy. Everybody needs it to live with dignity but in spite of its power it doesn´t help you buying things like love or happiness. There are a lot of examples about it in history. Cinema stars, music or politics who reached the stardom and suddenly they became losers. It´s the price of the fame, sometimes too high. 
                   Marilyn Monroe is only a case. She had all that people could want and imagine. She was envied because of her beauty, talent and wealth, but it was just marketing, only a public image. Hollywood had made her a star but nobody knew what the fame was going to cost her.
                   At first, she only gained money to make ends meet, but after several years she was offered the starring role in a lot of Hollywood movies. Hundreds of paparazzi hounded her. She was even invited to sing at John F. Kennedy´s birthday party. She almost looked like to have achieved immortality, became being in the public eye, but deep down she became ill because of the sadness.
                  Maybe she was tired of this false life where the money, not the person, is the most important and she began to be seen worse and worse in public. Her career began to go into decline. She was treated by a psychoanalyst but he couldn´t avoid she destroyed herself. She took an overdose of her medicines and died alone and sad in her house. All the money she had was useless.

Encarna Mora

                             ARE YOU PREPARED TO COMPETE?

Nowadays, it is essential to learn English. Every day it is used in all areas of the human knowledge and development.
It can be said that it is the global language to communicate all over the world. Learning English is not a luxury nowadays, it is a need. Besides, it is said that a person who is not able to speak English is in disadvantage.
Recent studies say that around 402 million of people speak English as their first language, and nowadays, it is used by more than 1000 million of speakers whose is not their mother tongue. According to a British Council study, this number will continue growing until 2015 when 2000 million people in the world will be learning it.
In a few years, it will be spoken by the half of mankind. This increase is one of the most important events since the beginning of language.
The English language is very easy to learn. It is the language of the relationship between countries, it is a requirement to work in governmental institutions. Besides, it is very important in the economic world, industry, business, trade and so on. The productive world speaks, writes and reads in English. We only have to look at the situations vacant columns in the newspapers, English language is necessary for all kind of works.
Furthermore , it is necessary in the scientific and technological world, because  75 percent of bibliographical references are written in English. It is the language of telecommunications, 80 percent of the internet users communicate in this language. It is also essential to know English language when you travel or go abroad on holidays. It is a requirement to get the university degree of many courses. Moreover, it is the most studied language at schools, the Language Official Schools and private schools.
Besides, we have to talk about all the exchange trips to EEUU, Canada, and England to improve the language.
In brief, English language must be accepted by all people and, in fact it is said “It is never too late to learn it”

Headlines. Are you prepared to compete?
Introduction. This article describes how learning English language is very important in the world.
Main body describes these points:
            The studies made about this language.
            The reasons that explain why is so important to speak English language.
            Where English language is studied
Conclusion. All of us should learn English

Sagrario Gómez Martínez


Indonesia´s President has confirmed a massive earthquake in the island of Java. The earthquake took place yesterday, happening at 21:37 PM local time roughly 47 km southeaster of Jakarta.

At 21:37 an earthquake with magnitude 9.7 (the greatest in history) has occurred near the island of Java sited in the “ring of fire” of the pacific ocean. The epicenter had a depth of 10 km. The famous seismologist John Taylor mentioned “ if an earthquake is not deeper, its effects are very harmful”
Many near countries such as Malaysia, Australia, etc are preparing for the possibility of a great tsunami in its coast and taking  measures to decrease the risks.
The president has confirmed that about 65.000 people have died, but that the number´s expected to raise in the next days. `There are a lot of people under the rubble and the possibilities to find someone alive is decreasing quickly´ declared a contrite president.
In the area of the disaster, the hospitals, transports, communication systems, etc, have been damaged. “This is a great disaster, nothing works, everything is out of order” said us a survivor.
Many countries have responded to appeals for humanitarian aids sending rescue and medical teams, engineers and personal support. “This help is very necessary in the first days because the possibility of an epidemic like malaria, cholera, etc raises quickly in the tropical countries if people haven´t got drinkable  water  and medical assistance" remarked us a MSF doctor.
The ring of fire countries must take measures to decrease the risk (better buildings, hospitals, etc) in the future.
A new earthquake is developing at this time in some place in the ring of fire, where will it take place? Will be destructive?, These are the questions.
Gregorio Cano


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