4 May 2020

Speaking about technology (for the 1st language exchange)

  Los robots ayudan a combatir el coronavirus en todo el mundo ...
  • Do you think that technology steals people’s jobs?
  • In what type of job might a human be happy to have a robot take over some tasks?
  • Who might be affected positively and negatively  by the addition of robots in the workforce?
  • If robots take on some tasks currently performed by humans, how might the humans' jobs change?
  •  How can we change the education to prepare new generations for automation?

 Comment on the quotes:

  1. All the really fundamental changes have been connected to advances in technology.
  2.  Technology can fix all society’s problems.
  3. Technology is to blame for the general extended life expectancy.
  4. Technology speeds everything up in our already fast-paced world.
  5.  We’ve become slaves to machines, which breed laziness and contribute to a sedentary life.
  6. Technology has altered people’s lives.
  7. Technology’s a double-edged sword.
  8. It’s the way technology’s used that is important.

Role play 

Student A 

You are the CEO of a multinational company called Robotworth. You strongly advocate that automated jobs will bring a lot of benefits to the firm. Try to convince the trade unionist of such benefits. 

Student B 

You are a member of the local trade union who strongly oppose to the idea of introducing robots to replace work force. Try to convince the CEO that it will do more harm than good. 


Considering the advantages and disadvantages of implementing robots into our society, are the benefits worth the costs? Should we risk the possibility of losing our jobs for increased convenience? 

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